Best Time to Visit Belgium

Ghent (Mislav Marohni?)  []  CC BY 
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On this page, you will find information about the climate and the best time to visit Belgium. We created climate tables and charts for the location of Brussels. These contain details about temperatures, precipitation and more.

Furthermore, we analyzed all climate data and provide a recommendation about which months are best to visit Belgium for your holiday.

Climate Overview

Thermometer Symbol -0 °C to 22 °C
Rainy Cloud Symbol 2.133.07 in (10 – 13 Days of Rain)
Show temperatures in degree
Note: the water temperatures come from Bruges, not Brussels

Best Time to Visit Belgium: Overview

MaximumMax. 5 °C
MaximumMax. 6 °C
MaximumMax. 9 °C
MaximumMax. 13 °C
Best time to traveltime
PerfectPerf. climate in
Best time to traveltime
PerfectPerf. climate in
Best time to traveltime
PerfectPerf. climate in
Best time to traveltime
PerfectPerf. climate in
Best time to traveltime
PerfectPerf. climate in
MaximumMax. 14 °C
MaximumMax. 9 °C
MaximumMax. 6 °C

Climate Chart Belgium


Climate Chart Brussels
Show temperatures in degree

Source of Data: German Weather Service (Offenbach) and Wikipedia

Climate Table Belgium

In the following, you will find the climate table for Belgium, containing information about Temperatures, Precipitation, and Hours of Sunshine.

Temperatures, Precipitation, Sunshine in Brussels (Belgium)

Day Temperature13°17°20°22°22°19°14°
Night Temperature-0°11°13°13°11°
Precipitation (inch)2.642.132.872.242.763.072.952.482.322.83.072.99
Rainy days131013111211101010101313
Hours of Sunshine233566665421
Show temperatures in degree
The annual average temperature in Brussels is 9.7 °C.

For comparison: London 11 °C, NYC 12 °C, LA 17.9 °C

Warmest month: July (17.2 °C)
Coldest month: January (2.5 °C)

Overall annual precipitation: 32.32 inch on 136 rainy days

For comparison: London 24.06 in, NYC 41.57 in, LA 12.01 in

There is no rainy season (months with more than 6.9 in of precipitation).

Months that have possible snowfall: January, February, March, April, November, and December

As our climate table shows, June is the sunniest month with an average of 6.2 hours of sunshine per day. Over the year, there are 4.1 hours of sunshine per day on average. For comparison: London has 4.1, NYC has 7 and LA has 8.9 hours of sunshine per day on average.

Popular Activities

More attractions

Choco-Story Brussels: Chocolate Museum Entrance with Tasting | Bruges Full-Day Guided Tour from Brussels | Brussels: Magritte Museum Entry Ticket | Brussels: Autoworld Museum Ticket | Brussels: Guided Walking Tour | Brussels: Belgian Chocolate Workshop | From Brussels: Luxembourg Tour with Optional Dinant Visit |

Current Weather and Forecast

Current Weather in Brussels (Station Arrondissement Brussel-Hoofdstad)
clear sky     clear sky, 3.2 °C
Clouds: 0 %       Wind: 6 mph SO
Air Pressure: 1037 hPa       Humidity: 66 %
Last updated: 8th Feb 2023, 11:24 am
The next days …
8th Feb 20239th Feb 202310th Feb 202311th Feb 202312th Feb 202313th Feb 2023
sky is clear0 °C to 7 °Covercast clouds-1 °C to 6 °Covercast clouds1 °C to 7 °Covercast clouds2 °C to 9 °Csky is clear3 °C to 11 °Csky is clear4 °C to 11 °C
0 °C to 7 °C-1 °C to 6 °C1 °C to 7 °C2 °C to 9 °C3 °C to 11 °C4 °C to 11 °C
Clouds: 8 %Clouds: 100 %Clouds: 100 %Clouds: 94 %Clouds: 0 %Clouds: 0 %
No PrecipitationNo PrecipitationNo PrecipitationNo PrecipitationNo PrecipitationNo Precipitation
Weather information provided by OpenWeatherMap. (CC BY-SA)
Show temperatures in degree

Belgium: Experiences of our Visitors

There are 1 reviews for Belgium holiday already. Average rating is 1 of 5 stars.
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    andreas, 62 years old was there in January

    Rain, damp and cold, it was cloudy and dark during the day, but rarely the sun showed up.

    Weather Rating: 1 stars – Mostly bad

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Alone in the fog (jucanils)  []  CC BY 
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Belgium-6025 - Spinolarei Canal (Dennis Jarvis)  []  CC BY-SA 
License Information available under 'Proof of Image Sources'
Belgium-6112 - Minnewater (Dennis Jarvis)  []  CC BY-SA 
License Information available under 'Proof of Image Sources'

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